New Year’s Resolution – Get My College Degree!

What’s on your goal list to achieve for the New Year? Is returning to school to complete a college degree your New Year’s Resolution for 2015? There’s no time like the present to make one of the wisest investments (and resolutions!) you can make – your education. Recent published reports based on data from The Economic Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., indicate that college graduates earn more money — a staggering 98 percent more –than adults without a degree.

A college degree opens doors to opportunities for better jobs, career advancement as well as career changes. More and more adults are returning to school to take advantage of the opportunities awaiting them upon graduation from college. Adult learners (also known as non-traditional students) are a growing population on college campuses. According to the American Council for Education (ACE), non-traditional students have comprised close to 40 percent of the college population for over twenty years.

Invest in yourself and in your future. You are worth it. Contact the Avila Advantage team to learn more about degree programs (both undergraduate and graduate), the flexible course options, and about how you can get started in 2015 in reaching your dream!

Why not get started now? Complete the Avila Advantage online application – it’s free and takes just a few minutes to complete.

Avila Advantage programs offer small class sizes with evening and online classes that run eight-weeks, as well as occasional weekend classes – all designed for the busy working adult who juggles family, work and other responsibilities. Check out this website to learn more –

Do it! You are on your way!

Need a Little Extra Encouragement with that Eggnog?

Tis the Season to be Jolly (and Busy)… Let’s face it. As adult college students we already have grown-up demands like working full-time and (what can seem like) never-ending family responsibilities before we even step foot on campus or log in to Canvas… why not top it all off with a little holiday stress!? Relax… we get it! As Mentors, we’ve all been there. Just slow down, take a breath, and click to connect with us to get some help wrapping up those loose ends! You can also check out these study guide tips to help you stay focused on coursework during the holiday season and throughout next semester: …Fa-La-La-La-La-La-La-La-La!

Do the Holidays Bring More To-Dos than Tidings of Joy?

Let’s face it. As adult college students we already have grown-up demands like working full-time and (what can seem like) never-ending family responsibilities before we even step foot on campus or log in to Canvas… why not top it all off with a little holiday stress!?

Relax… we get it! As Mentors, we’ve all been there! Just slow down, take a breath, and click to connect with us if you need a little extra encouragement with your eggnog!

You can also check out these study guide tips to help you stay focused on coursework during the holiday season and throughout the semester:

And just remember:

Tis the Season to be Jolly (and Busy)! Fa-La-La-La-La-La-La-La-La…

What Do You Get After Eating Way Too Much Turkey and Stuffing?

Dessert, of course! Happy Thanksgiving, Avila Advantage Students! Thanksgiving is a time to pause, reflect and give thanks for the blessings in our lives. The faculty, staff and mentors at Avila Advantage are thankful for each student in our program, all a special part of the Avila family and community.  We are grateful, too, to be a part of your journey as you pursue your educational goals and dreams.

We wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving and hope you have the opportunity to celebrate the holiday with family and friends. Our team looks forward to your return after the Thanksgiving break (November 26-30).

And…if by chance you are looking to end your Thanksgiving meal (after eating way too much turkey and stuffing) with the perfect dessert, here’s a link to get you started on finding that perfect one to make…and eat!